Teams of Our Lady is an international movement of married spirituality in the Catholic to help couples live fully their sacrament of marriage. Teams provide support and encouragement to the couple in their spiritual journey and daily lives.
The Team couples inspire one another through their living examples of faith, and share with one another their struggles and successes, on their way to holiness. Couples grow in communication and spirituality through life in a team.
The couples meet with a simple meal and fellowship. They celebrate each other’s happiness and support each other’s low times by going over a high and low each from the past month during the meal. They share scripture, prayer, as well as discussions on a reading assignment that they have done during the previous month. They support and encourage each other to follow the Endeavours and witness to each other with confidential advice and prayer.
Meetings are held monthly at each other’s home.
For more information contact Krista or Stephen Huver