All Ladies of the Elgin Family of Parishes are invited and welcome to join us for our first social event of the fall season. You do not need to be a C.W.L. member to attend. Come out for a delicious brunch! Get re-acquainted with ladies you haven’t seen for a while and make new friends from our Family of Parishes.
Registrations may be dropped off at the church office or placed in the collection basket at weekend Masses. Please mark “St. Anne’s C.W.L. Brunch” on the envelope and include your name and phone # with the $5.00 fee. The deadline for registration is September 24, 2024. For further details, please call Grace at 519-633-6312.
We will be accepting new and renewal C.W.L. memberships for 2025. Cost: $35
St. Anne’s. C.W.L. service pins will also be awarded at the brunch