There are many areas that we would like to restore and renew in the church as we rejoice over the progress made in the last year toward the goal of moving our building fund into positive territory so this beautiful building can be properly maintained.
At the start of 2024, the building fund debt level stood at $550,412. At the beginning of June, the debt had just dipped below the $500k level at $499,212 and largely thanks to a generous bequest we finished the year at $214,212 owing. In January we put another $5000 against the loan principal. We had some year-end donations totalling over $15K and have forwarded an extra principal payment along with the interest we are billed semiannually to the diocese to bring the loan fund debt to $200,000 owing.
We do our best to maintain the property while spending as little as possible. The stairs are the most visible project in need of attention, but there are less visible items that we have to attend to regularly. Sensors like to fail on elevators, and pressure relief valves on boilers do as well. Pigeons like to make nests and clog up downspouts causing basement flooding, varnish on doors wears out and needs refinishing.
Front Steps: The front steps have been condemned due to failing concrete. This not only affects the aestheƟcs but also the safety of our parishioners. The fencing also makes Holy Angels appear to be close to those who don’t know better.
Boilers: Our boilers are now over 20 years old and approaching the end of their life expectancy. They could be much more efficient. Reliable heating is essential.
Fire Code Standards: The basement hall, a vital space for gatherings and events, needs to be brought up to current Fire Code Standards to ensure the safety of all who use it.
Screening project: Pigeons nest in eavestrough and clog drains resulting in basement flooding.
Rectory: Porch Stairs, brick repointing, chimney repair.
Exterior storm windows protecting the stained glass should have ventilation installed, and new paint and caulking applied.
Stained glass window summer ventilation tracks and guides need repairs.
One slate tile is broken on the roof, but not leaking.
The boiler valve setup in the basement could be improved to allow for the heat near washrooms without heaƟng hall.
The back steps need mortar repairs.
Video System to let people know who is at the door and to monitor the building.
Minor plaster and paint work in the Church especially above the elevator area.
Sound and video system for the hall.
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